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 (Les coulisses d'une performance)



On the 20th of may 2016, I completed 365 passings of an artificial border (a 60 cm high tunnel), carrying a 20 pound bag containing a selection of memories and 7 stones, while wearing a 3 piece suit and a latex mask. After each passing I added a bar to the panel placed on each side to document my travels.


The performance was documented by two cameras. During the 2,5 hours it took me to complete the task, I was periodically whistelling Beethoven's "Ode à la joie", which gave the soundtrack for the video.

For details, please click on the large picture below.

front view "SEVEN ..."
left side (detail)
right side (detail)
the shop
detail view of the shop
Take your chance !
mask / tunnel (detail)
"Abzählbild" (1/2)
Installation view @ REG'ART III
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