"YELLING DOG" (2018)
- permanent outdoor installation-
@ Place de la Résistance, Esch/Alzette LUX)
This work was a collaboration with the Kulturfabrik (a local cultural center) and Formida (an up-cycling center, working with youngsters). It took place during Kufa's URBAN ART FESTIVAL. They commissioned an outdoor work dealing with the local dog-waste problems. I decided to build a sign that would incorporate hundreds of images , chosen and cut out by the people living in the part of the town , which the work would be installed in. A s(h)itting dog and an arrow (pointing to a freshly installed dog-toilet) was made out of collages during workshops held with locals. The sign illuminates at night and rewards those dog-owners that do eventually use the "dog-toilet" with a distraction while waiting for their darling to finish his natural urges. (picture by Emile Hengen)